Submitted by: Nate Groenendyk
Submitting Department: City Clerk
Agenda Section: Action
Item Title:
City of Hyattsville Ward Redistricting: Selection of Ward Boundary Map
Suggested Action:
I move the Mayor and Council direct the City Attorney to draft a Charter Amendment Resolution adjusting the Ward Boundaries of the City as indicated in the INSERT NAME OF MAP presented by the 2022 Redistricting Commission. I further move that the Mayor and Council schedule a Public Hearing on the proposed Charter Amendment Resolution to be held at 6 PM on Monday, December 5 2022
Summary Background:
Every ten years, after the Census, the City must use the new census data to review its ward boundaries, and if needed, redraw the boundaries between wards in order to reflect how the local populations have changed. The authority for the modification of ward boundaries is found in the City Charter, § C4-17.
The redistricting process is done with the primary goal of creating wards which have substantially equal populations. The widely accepted standard for population variation between the largest ward and the smallest ward is that there should not be a greater than 10% difference. Additional criteria for consideration throughout the redistricting process is listed below.
• Wards must be comprised of contiguous territory and as geographically compact as possible.
• Wards shall, as much as possible, be bounded by natural boundaries, street lines, and/or City boundary lines.
• Wards must be drawn to provide fair and effective representation for all residents of the City, including racial, ethnic, and language minorities. Additionally, to the extent possible, wards should preserve identifiable communities of interest. The redrawing of the City’s ward boundaries should be designed to ensure that our elected body is representative of the City’s diverse population.
• Wards most likely to be impacted by future development may be smaller by design in order to minimize impact of population growth on future redistricting.
The Redistricting Commission was appointed in June 2022 to make recommendations to Council on revisions to the existing Ward boundaries based on 2020 Census data. A preliminary review of that data demonstrated that Wards 3 and 5 were outside of the recommended 10% variance in population and a redistricting effort was warranted.
In addition to the population counts, the Committee conducted a review of existing conditions, future developments, and available demographic data from the 2020 Census. They sought feedback from community members both in-person at City events and online using the City’s new community engagement tool, Hello Hyattsville. The City’s Race and Equity Officer joined the meetings to assist with questions of ensuring equity for all community members.
The Committee presented two maps for consideration to the Council at the October 17 Public Hearing, the Minimal Adjustment Map and the Growth Conscious Map. After reviewing public and Council feedback, the Committee made the following changes to the Growth Conscious Map:
• The Ward 1/2 boundary along Hamilton St has been changed to run behind the row of houses along Hamilton, as opposed to through the middle of the street.
• Ward 4 has been expanded along Ager Road, and the North Pointe apartments have been unified into Ward 4.
• The Hamilton Manor apartments have been unified into Ward 5
The final versions of the Minimal Adjustment Map and the Growth Conscious Map are now before Council for review. It is anticipate that the Council will select a map to move forward at the November 7 meeting and direct the City Attorney to draft a Charter Amendment Resolution for the selected map. The Council will also schedule a Public Hearing on the proposed Charter Amendment for December 5.
Next Steps:
Changing the ward boundaries requires a Charter Amendment. A Public Hearing on the proposed Charter Amendment Resolution is tentatively scheduled for December 5, 2022. The final adoption of the Resolution is scheduled to take place on December 21, 2022. Upon adoption of the new ward boundaries, City staff will conduct a public outreach campaign on the new boundaries prior to the Spring 2023 City Election.
Fiscal Impact:
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Support.
Community Engagement:
Communications staff serve as staff liaison to this Committee and have been closely following the process. To date, communications about the process have been shared via email/text message, social media, in print in the Hyattsville Reporter and Hyattsville Life and Times, on the City’s LED message boards, and via flyers placed in resident trash cans, in apartment buildings, churches, schools, and other public locations. All communications currently direct people to the Redistricting Project Page on the Hello Hyattsville platform for further information and to provide comment.
Members of the Redistricting Committee also attended the August Summer Jam and Back to School events to gather feedback in-person.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 1 - Ensure Transparent and Accessible Governance
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