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File #: HCC-124-FY24    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/27/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/6/2023 Final action:
Title: Library Apartments/3325 Toledo Road Garage Redevelopment Detailed Site Plan (DSP) 01002-04
Sponsors: City Administrator
Indexes: Planning & Development, Presentation
Attachments: 1. Staff Memo - Library Apartments - DSP 01002-04, 2. 2023-10-24 Council Presentation, 3. Detailed Site Plan (DSP-01002-04), 4. Statement of Justification, 5. Architectural drawings, 6. Stormwater Management Concept Plan approval, 7. Certificate of Adequacy (ADQ-2022-055), 8. Planning Board Resolution (PPS-4-22004)
Related files: HCC-255-FY23, HCC-213-FY23, HCC-47-FY23
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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Submitted by: Holly Simmons

Submitting Department: Community & Economic Development

Agenda Section: Presentation


Item Title:


Library Apartments/3325 Toledo Road Garage Redevelopment Detailed Site Plan (DSP) 01002-04



Suggested Action:


For presentation.



Summary Background:

Project Summary

                     The subject application proposes to redevelop the eastern half of the existing parking garage known as Garage A at the University Town Center into 209 multifamily residential units. The western half of the parking garage is to remain.

                     The subject property is a 2.87-acre lot located at 6400 America Boulevard, within the Prince George’s Plaza Transit District Overlay Zone.

                     Staff review is ongoing. This item is scheduled for Planning Committee on November 7, 2023, and will be on Council’s agenda for Action on November 20, 2023.

                     The Planning Board hearing for this application is tentatively scheduled for December 14, 2023. The M-NCPPC staff report, which may be ready two weeks prior to the hearing, will be available prior to the hearing here: <>


The subject property is a 2.87-acre lot located on the southwest corner of Toledo Road and Constitution Drive, approximately 265 feet west of Toledo Road’s intersection with Adelphi Road (Figure 1). The site is located within University Town Center. Hyattsville Branch Library is located directly to the east of the property. The site is currently developed with a five-story parking garage containing 1,455 parking spaces.

The proposal would raze the eastern half of the parking garage (adjacent to the Hyattsville Branch Library) and construct a multifamily apartment building with 209 apartments. The western half of the garage would remain intact and serve as public parking and parking for the proposed multifamily units. The apartment complex will be 7 stories tall (less than the maximum 10 stories dictated by the Prince George’s Plaza Transit District Development Plan). The Planning Board date is tentatively scheduled for December 14, 2023.

Prior to the new zoning ordinance taking effect on April 1, 2022, the subject property was zoned M-X-T (Mixed Use-Transportation Oriented) within the Transit District Overlay Zone (TDOZ) in the Downtown Core character area. The project is being reviewed under the regulations of this zone in lieu of the RTO-H-C (Regional Transit-Oriented, High-Intensity-Core) Zone which was approved on April 1, 2022, as part of the countywide comprehensive rezoning. This is allowed pursuant to Section 24-1703(a) of the 2018 Subdivision Regulations.

The site has road frontages on the south side of Toledo Road, the west side of Democracy Avenue, and the north side of Constitution Drive. Toledo Road is a City road. Democracy Avenue and Constitution Drive are private roads.

Garage access is currently provided along Toledo Road and Constitution Drive. Under the proposed development, access to the western portion of the garage will remain in its current location on Toledo Road. To accommodate the redevelopment, the eastern garage entrance on Democracy Avenue will be eliminated along with the eastern half of the garage.

The applicant is proposing the development of a seven-story multifamily building with associated improvements, including amenity space (fitness center, outdoor lounge area) and stormwater management. Improvements to the frontage along Toledo Road (City street) are also proposed.

The applicant is proposing 209 units of multifamily housing. A proposed unit breakdown is as follows:

                     103 studios (49% of total units)

                     93 one-bedroom units (45% of total units)

                     13 two-bedroom units (6% of total units)

A multi-story public parking structure will be retained on the western portion of the site with 727 parking spaces. This structure will be tied into the residential. The entrance to the parking structure on Toledo Road will continue to be used.

The below approvals preceded the Detailed Site Plan application. These approvals are included in Council’s materials:

                     On December 14, 2022, the Prince George’s County Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement approved a Stormwater Management Concept Plan for the site with five (5) conditions.

                     On March 7, 2023, the Planning Director approved a Certificate of Adequacy (ADQ-2022-055) with five (5) conditions. The ADQ addressed transportation, pedestrian and bikeway, parks and recreation, police, fire and rescue, and schools adequacy.

                     On March 16, 2023, the Prince George’s County Planning Board approved the Preliminary Plan of Subdivision for this site (PPS 4-22004) with eleven (11) conditions.

Next Steps:

This item is scheduled for City Council Action on November 20, 2023.


Fiscal Impact:



City Administrator Comments:

For presentation and Council discussion.


Community Engagement:

The applicant’s presentation to the City Council is scheduled for November 6, 2023. The applicant will present to the Hyattsville Planning Committee on November 7, 2023.

This item is tentatively scheduled to return for Action at City Council’s November 20, 2023, meeting.

The Prince George’s County Planning Board hearing is tentatively scheduled for December 14, 2023.


Strategic Goals:

Goal 2 - Ensure the Long-Term Economic Viability of the City


Legal Review Required?