Submitted by: Ron Brooks
Submitting Department: Finance
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
Award Contract for Oversight and Compliance of American Rescue Plan Act Funds
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize the City Administrator to enter into an agreement with Thomas|Michael LLC for consulting services to provide oversight and compliance of the City’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and authorize an expenditure not to exceed $172,800 over four (4) years, pending the review of the City Attorney. The cost of these services meets the eligibility requirements for reimbursement from the ARPA funds.
Summary Background:
In preparation of receiving ARPA funds, the City posted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) solicitation for Consulting Services to provide expert advice, assistance, and support and ensure oversight and compliance with federal spending guidelines. On July 28th, 2021, and the City received five (5) responses. The responses had an average per hour rate of $300 and the overall project costs ranged from a low of $172,800 with two (2) mid-range cost proposals from $250,000 to $726,912 and one (1) cost proposal of $1,544,670 which was equivalent to 8.6% of the total amount of ARPA funds received.
After a detailed review of the proposals the staff determined there were three (3) qualifying proposals and from that group we selected the firm of "Thomas|Michael LLC" as the preferred consulting firm. This firm brings extensive hands-on advisory and consulting experience with the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, and American Rescue Plan Act. Currently they are working with the State of Maryland Office of Budget Management and serve as advisors to Prince George's County. Their services in support of Hyattsville will include but are not limited to the areas noted below.
• Compliance and reporting that includes frequent status reports and financial performance and projection modeling if needed.
• Oversight and guidance for 2 CFR, Part 200, and the Single Audit Act.
• Intergovernmental outreach with state and federal representatives.
• Monitoring and interpretation of Federal rules and guidelines of eligible uses.
• Budget development and implementation.
• Establish appeals procedures for disputes regarding amounts awarded.
• Establish review process for any new or future reporting requirements.
• Resolve any request for information, justification, audit findings, and eligibility appeals.
• Review contracts and purchasing documentation to ensure federal compliance and cost recovery of expenditures using ARPA federal funds.
The staff requests Council approval to enter into an agreement with Thomas|Michael LLC for consulting services to provide oversight and compliance of the City’s American Rescue Plan Act funds and authorize an expenditure not to exceed $172,800 over four (4) years, pending review by the City Attorney. The cost of these services meets the eligibility requirements for reimbursement from the ARPA funds guidelines.
Next Steps:
To enter into an agreement with the firm of Thomas|Michael LLC not to exceed $172,800 over four (4) years.
Fiscal Impact:
The contract costs are eligible for reimbursement from the ARPA Funds.
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Support.
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 1 - Ensure Transparent and Accessible Governance
Legal Review Required?