Submitted by: Sandra Shepard
Submitting Department: Community Services
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Hyattsville, Habitat For Humanity Metro Maryland, and Hyattsville Aging In Place
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize the City Administrator to enter into a one-year Memorandum of Understanding between the City, Habitat for Humanity, and Hyattsville Aging in Place (HAP) to promote the RAMP (formerly CAPABLE) home modification, repair, and weatherization program. The MOU will run through June 30, 2023, upon the review and approval of the City Attorney for legal sufficiency.
Summary Background:
The City has previously entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (attached) with Hyattsville Aging in Place (HAP) and Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland (HHMM) for the CAPABLE home modification program. This program helps low-income seniors and persons with disabilities age in place by providing regular visits by an occupational therapist, a nurse, and a vetted contractor to make needed home modifications. This MOU expired in May 2021 due to the expenditure of all available funds. HHMM has received new funding to expand the home modification program which has been renamed the Repair and Accessibility Modification Program(RAMP) and includes home repair and weatherization services. The City does not provide funds to make this program available to residents. HAP conducts participant in-takes, and HHMM provides funding for covered services. Hyattsville residents have benefitted from this program since our partnership with HHMM and HAP was initiated.
Next Steps:
Extend partnership with the entities.
Fiscal Impact:
City Administrator Comments:
This program has benefitted approximately 15 residents of Hyattsville over the past year. Residents have had roof repair and replacement, weatherization service, rehab, and other repairs totaling over $100K in assistance. Our partnership is invaluable and allows us to promote this much needed program.
Community Engagement:
Promotion of the program through the City’s communication channels.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 5 - Strengthen the City’s Identity as a Diverse, Creative, and Welcoming Community
Legal Review Required?