Submitted by: Nate Groenendyk
Submitting Department: City Clerk
Agenda Section: Appointment
Item Title:
Council of Governments Policy Committee Appointments
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council make the following appointments to the Council of Governments (COG) Policy Committees for a term of one (1) year, beginning on January 1, 2025:
• Region Forward Coalition: Mayor Robert Croslin, with staff alternate Tracey Douglas and Laura Reams
• Human Services and Public Safety Policy Committee: Mayor Robert Croslin, with staff alternate Police Chief Jarod Towers and Sandra Shephard
• Climate Energy and Environment Policy Committee: Mayor Robert Croslin, with staff alternate Lesley Riddle
• Chesapeake Bay and Water Resources Policy Committee: Mayor Robert Croslin, with staff alternate Lesley Riddle
Summary Background:
The Council joined the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments in October 2016. Membership to COG provides the opportunity for Elected Officials and staff members to participate in COG Policy Committees. The term of the appointment will be for one (1) year. Appointments are required to be submitted to COG by January 2025.
Next Steps:
Upon approval by the Council, the appointments will be submitted to COG and the City will continue participating in meetings.
Fiscal Impact:
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Approval
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 4 - Foster Excellence in all City Operations
Legal Review Required?