Submitted by: Cheri Everhart
Submitting Department: Community Services
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
Special Use Agreement - Route 1 Velo 2023 Cyclocross Race
Suggested Action:
I move the City Council authorize the City Administrator to execute a Special Use Agreement with Route 1 Velo for the use of David C. Driskell Park for its Annual Cyclocross race, scheduled for Sunday, October 8, to include set-up in the afternoon of Saturday, October 7.
Summary Background:
The City has supported the annual Cyclocross race for more than 10 years by allowing Route 1 Velo use of Driskell Park for this event as it supports Special Olympics Maryland, Prince George’s County.
Next Steps:
Execute Agreement
Fiscal Impact:
Staff time for event oversight and police support
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend support
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 5 - Strengthen the City’s Identity as a Diverse, Creative, and Welcoming Community
Legal Review Required?