Submitted by: Hal Metzler
Submitting Department: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
4310 Gallatin Street Access Control System
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize an expenditure not to exceed $100,000 to Skyline Technology Solutions for the design and installation of a digital access control system at the City Administration Building under their existing contract with the City.
Summary Background:
In 2018 the City Council authorized a contract with Skyline Technology Systems to provide security and access control systems and services for the DPW Facility project, the 3505 Hamilton St Adaptive Reuse project, and other City facilities. The City desired a single contract to provide security and access control that could be integrated across all City facilities and be monitored and controlled centrally. The first facility, the DPW building, was completed and brought online in 2021. The 3505 Hamilton Street project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in Spring 2024.
Next Steps:
Issue purchase order and begin project.
Fiscal Impact:
NTE $100,000
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend approval.
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 1 - Ensure Transparent and Accessible Governance
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