Submitted by: Ron Brooks
Submitting Department: Finance
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
FY22 Budget Amendment: Special Revenues Budget and Appropriation of Remaining FY21 Grant Funds
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council amend the FY22 Special Revenues Budget and appropriate the remaining FY21 unencumbered fund balance of $40,078 in fund 43 of the FY21 Chesapeake Bay Trust Stewardship Grant account.
Summary Background:
In November 2019, City Council approved a contract with Davey Resources Group to complete a CitywideUrban Tree Canopy Study. In December 2019, City staff applied for a grant from Chesapeake Bay Trust and was awarded $60,762 in FY21 to fund the study. City Council accepted and appropriated the grant funds in FY21 and at fiscal year-end the grant had a remaining balance of $40,078.
Next Steps:
To appropriate the remaining FY21 Chesapeake Bay Trust Grant fund balance of $40,078.
Fiscal Impact:
Increase of $40,078 to the FY22 Special Revenues Funds Budget Appropriations.
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend approval.
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 3 - Promote a Safe and Vibrant Community
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