Submitted by: Hal Metzler
Submitting Department: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
Low Impact Development Center On-call Services
Suggested Action:
I move the Mayor and Council authorize an expenditure not to exceed $45,000 to Low Impact Development Center for On-Call stormwater and environmental engineering and design under their existing contract with the City.
Summary Background:
In the Fall of 2019, the City solicited Requests for Proposal (RFPs) to provide on-call environmental and stormwater design and engineering to the City. Low Impact Design Center were selected to receive an environmental and stormwater contract, which was awarded in January 2020 for a term of one-year, with three optional 1-year extensions. This expenditure will allow City staff to use our current contractor to provide support for project evaluations and proposals as well as grant evaluation and preparation assistance.
Next Steps:
Issue purchase order and begin work
Fiscal Impact:
NTE $45,000
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Approval
Community Engagement:
Community engagement may be a part of the individual projects being evaluated and/or planned.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 4 - Foster Excellence in all City Operations
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