Submitted by: Patrick Paschall
Submitting Department: Finance
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
ARPA Compliance Consultant Contract Extension and Increase
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize the City Administrator to enter into a contract extension and increase with Thomas Michael LLC, for a term to extend through December 31, 2026 and the total contract amount not to exceed $250,000, for consulting services related to compliance with federal requirements related to the American Rescue Plan Act award funds. These funds are included in the Council approved ARPA spending plan, and the contract terms are subject to review and approval by the City Attorney.
Summary Background:
In October 2021, the City contracted with Thomas Michael LLC after an RFP and review process, to advise the City on matters related to the City’s $17.9m award under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The original contract terms extended through October 2023, with a total contract not to exceed $172,800.
Since the original contract, we have a better understanding of our long-term consulting needs on this project, as well as further clarity from the U.S. Treasury Department about eligible uses of funds beyond the end of 2024. This extension will change no other terms than the contract termination date and total amount, allowing us to continue using the consultant’s services until the conclusion of our ARPA award.
Next Steps:
Attorney review and sign the contract extension
Fiscal Impact:
Obligating an additional $77,200 per the Council-Approved ARPA Spending Plan
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend support.
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 2 - Ensure the Long-Term Economic Viability of the City
Legal Review Required?