Submitted by: Nate Groenendyk
Submitting Department: City Clerk
Agenda Section: Action
Item Title:
Hyattsville Ordinance 2024-05: Revisions to City Code Chapter 8, Elections (Second Reading and Adoption)
Suggested Action:
I move the Mayor and Council adopt Hyattsville Ordinance 2024-05, an ordinance whereby the City Council amends City Code, Chapter 8, Elections to change the requirements related to early voting day hours and election related mailings and update the language regarding the processing of mail-in ballots.
Summary Background:
The City’s Board of Supervisors of Election (BOSE) has identified areas in the City’s Election Code that require updates. Specifically, the board is proposing updates to the language in the City Code regarding the processing of mail-in ballots, early voting day requirements, and the number of mailings required to households and registered voters prior to an election. The changes are proposed to improve the efficiency of practices and consistency of language in the Code associated with City elections.
The proposed changes were discussed by Council at the October 7, 2024 Council Meeting. Following the discussion at the October 7 meeting, the City attorney drafted the attached ordinance to update the City Code to implement the Board’s recommendations. Council voted unanimously passed the introduction and first reading of this ordinance at the December 2, 2024 Council Meeting.
Next Steps:
The ordinance will go into effect 20 days after adoption.
Fiscal Impact:
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Support.
Community Engagement:
Meetings of the Board of Supervisors of Elections are open to the public and attendance is encouraged. Notice of changes to the City Code are published in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 4 - Foster Excellence in all City Operations
Legal Review Required?