Submitted by: Allison Weikel
Submitting Department: Police Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
Renewal of Police Communications Agreement with the City of Mt. Rainier
Suggested Action:
I move that Mayor and Council authorize the City Administrator to execute an agreement with the City of Mt. Rainier which allows the City of Hyattsville Police Department to provide radio dispatching services and incoming calls for police services (both emergency and non-emergency) for a period of one year for a fee in the amount of $90,000 per year, pending legal sufficiency.
Summary Background:
The City of Hyattsville has been providing Mt. Rainier Police Department with dispatch services for the past few years. The City requires a formal MOU in order to continue to continue to provide emergency communications for the City of Mt. Rainier. The staff is analyzing the value of services we provide and intends to request the cost for upgraded equipment and maintenance be shared which will result in increases in their MOU for FY26 and beyond. The city has received inquiries from other municipalities.
Next Steps:
Execute agreement
Fiscal Impact:
The City of Mt. Rainier will allocate $90,000 annually to the City of Hyattsville for dispatching services.
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend support. The staff is conducting analysis to capture fair value of costs for maintenance, equipment, and staffing. MOUs with Mt. Rainier and other communities will be updated with recommended increased costs.
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 3 - Promote a Safe and Vibrant Community
Legal Review Required?