Submitted by: Allison Weikel
Submitting Department: Police Department
Agenda Section: Discussion
Item Title:
Hyattsville Ordinance 2024-04: Stop Sign Monitoring Systems in School Zones
Suggested Action:
For discussion.
Summary Background:
House Bill 364, passed during the 2024 legislative session, is intended to allow municipalities within Prince George’s County to utilize automated stop sign monitoring systems within school zones beginning July 1, 2024. HB 364 requires the municipalities governing body to pass an ordinance to authorize the use of stop sign monitoring, prior to obtaining approval for any location within the municipality, from the Prince George’s County Council.
The City Attorney drafted the ordinance. Once it is passed by council, we are required to submit a request to PG County DOT to conduct a traffic study. If the study results in data that supports a need, the city will submit an application for that location, with supporting data from PG County DOT to the county council for review. If approved, by the county council, the city will be able to deploy automated enforcement to reduce stop sign violations.
Next Steps:
The first reading for this ordinance is scheduled for August 5, with adoption of the ordinance scheduled for September 16.
Fiscal Impact:
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Support
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 1 - Ensure Transparent and Accessible Governance
Legal Review Required?