Submitted by: Hal Metzler
Submitting Department: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
Repair and Restoration of the Drainage Swale on Oliver Alley - ARPA Funded
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize an expenditure not to exceed $23,000 to SMC for the repair and restoration of the drainage swale in the 4300 block of Oliver Alley under their existing contract with the City. This work is part of the Oliver Green Alley project approved for ARPA funding at the November 20th, 2023 Council meeting. The Treasurer is authorized to make the necessary budget amendments required to facilitate this encumbrance.
Summary Background:
During the pandemic the City received grant funding from the Chesapeake Bay Trust to develop a concept for the renovation of the alley located North of Oliver Street between 43rd Street and Baltimore Ave (referred to as Oliver Alley) to create a pedestrian friendly green alley. This alley sees little vehicular traffic and is a main walking route from the neighborhood to Baltimore Ave, making it an ideal location for this type of project. The Low Impact Development Center (LIDC) was contracted to perform the community outreach and develop the initial concept based on feedback from the Community. Several methods of community input were utilized, including in person community meeting on site. The block of the alley from 43rd st to 44th Ave was not being upgraded for pedestrian access. However, the existing drain and swale has been neglected for many years. There is flooding on the West end of the alley as stormwater can't get to the inlet structure due to the sediment and overgrowth in the facility. Cleaning and repair of this facility is required to restore it to it's original operating condition and help alleviate the flooding of the area.
Next Steps:
Issue purchase order and schedule work.
Fiscal Impact:
NTE $23,000
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Approval. The City...
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