Submitted by: At the Request of the City Administrator
Submitting Department: Community & Economic Development
Agenda Section: Action
Item Title:
Library Apartments, 3325 Toledo Road Garage Redevelopment - Preliminary Plan of Subdivision (4-22004)
Suggested Action:
I move the City Council authorize the Mayor to send to the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission a letter in support of the Preliminary Plan of Subdivision (PPS-22004) Library Apartments, 3325 Toledo Road, Hyattsville, supporting the Preliminary Plan of Subdivision 22004 (Library Apartments, 3325 Toledo Road) subject to the following conditions:
1. At the time of Detailed Site Plan for any bicycle wayfinding signage proposed, the applicant shall utilize the City's bicycle wayfinding signage as recommended in the 2018 Hyattsville Transportation Study and included in the City's Exhibit A.
2. At time of Detailed Site Plan, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the 2016 Approved Prince George's Plaza Transit District Development Plan and Transit District Overlay Zoning Map Amendment street section for Toledo Road, as modified (if necessary) at the time of Detailed Site Plan, in accordance with Section 27-548.08(c)(3) of the Zoning Regulations or a comparable Prince George's County Department of Public Works and Transportation Urban Street Design standard.
3. At the time of Detailed Site Plan, to ensure on-site pedestrian and bicycle adequacy as required by 24-4506(c) of the Prince George's County Subdivision Regulations and to support the 20% vehicular trip reduction credits requested with the PPS, the applicant shall provide locations, limits, specifications, and details of on-site pedestrian and bicycle amenities and improvements including but not be limited to the following:
a. ADA-compliant pedestrian facilities provided along the full length of Democracy Avenue and to/through/across Constitution Drive at the areas conceptually shown in red on the...
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