Submitted by: At the Request of the City Administrator
Submitting Department: Community & Economic Development
Agenda Section: Presentation
Item Title:
Preliminary Adelphi Roads Sector Plan
Suggested Action:
Presentation Only
Summary Background:
The Preliminary Adelphi Roads Sector Plan provides a long-term vision for growth in the area surrounding the forthcoming Adelphi Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station. It provides specific goals, policies, and strategies to implement this vision through various planning elements identified in the 2014 Prince George’s 2035 Approved General Plan (Plan 2035).
This sector plan will supersede the 1989 Approved Master Plan for Langley Park-College Park-Greenbelt. The sector plan includes a proposed Sectional Map Amendment (SMA), which outlines necessary zoning changes to implement this plan, as well as an implementation matrix, which outlines timelines and partnerships that are imperative to progressing the plan in the near and long term.
Next Steps:
A joint public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18, 2022. The public comment period will close on February 2, 2022.
Fiscal Impact:
City Administrator Comments:
Community Engagement:
After the Prince George’s County Council initiation in November of 2020, the development of the Adelphi Roads Sector Plan began with existing conditions analysis. Community engagement including online surveys, input maps, stakeholder listening sessions, and public meetings span from November 2020 through Spring 2021. Scenario planning took place in Summer of 2021. In November 2021, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) staff released to the public the preliminary plan detailed in this memo.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 5 - Strengthen the City’s Identity as a Diverse, Creative, and Welcoming Community
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