Submitted by: Hal Metzler
Submitting Department: Public Works
Agenda Section: Action
Item Title:
Awarding of the Contract for the 3505 Hamilton Street Public Safety Building Adaptive Reuse Project
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize the City Administrator to enter into a contract with the Whiting-Turner Company for the 3505 Hamilton Street Public Safety Building Adaptive Reuse Project for an authorized expenditure not to exceed $18,700,000.00, pending legal review.
Summary Background:
In the spring of 2016, the Council authorized staff to contract with JMT to provide the design and engineering of the renovation of 3505 Hamilton St. In the Summer of 2017, the Council approved the concept drawing and authorized funding to proceed with the full architectural and engineering design. During this phase of the project the City completed several related projects including a full environmental remediation of the building, installing an upgraded water service, and soliciting a new security and access control vendor. Plans were finalized and the permitting phase of the project began in mid-2021. The City conducted a two-part solicitation. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was solicited in Summer of 2021.
The City received a number of RFQ responses, and after review, determined that four (4) firms proposals were responsive and responsible and demonstrated the minimum qualifications. In January 2022 the four (4) firms were provided the Request for Proposals (RFP) and given the opportunity to participate in the second part of the solicitation process. The RFP responses were received in March 2022. Of the four (4) prequalified firms approved to participate in the RFP, two (2) firms submitted proposals. Both proposals were responsive to the project needs. After review, the selection committee determined that the Whiting-Turner Contracting Company had the best proposed schedule and value to successfully complete th...
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