Submitted by: Nate Groenendyk
Submitting Department: City Clerk
Agenda Section: Proclamation
Item Title:
Proclamation Recognizing December 21, 2022 as National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council adopt a proclamation recognizing December 21, 2022, as National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day in the City of Hyattsville.
Summary Background:
December 21 is the first day of winter and the longest night of the year. It has been designated as a day to remember all unhoused individuals who have died during the year by the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council.
Next Steps:
Adopt the proclamation.
Fiscal Impact:
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend adoption.
Community Engagement:
Information on National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day will be shared via the City’s communications channels.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 5 - Strengthen the City’s Identity as a Diverse, Creative, and Welcoming Community
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