Submitted by: Hal Metzler
Submitting Department: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
Hyatt Park Placemaking: Landscaping
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize an expenditure not to exceed $85,000 to SMC for the installation of landscaping to complete the Hyatt Park Placemaking Project.
Summary Background:
In early 2020 the City signed a contract with SMC to provide on call stormwater and environmental engineering and design services. One of the tasks assigned was the design of the landscaping to complete the Hyatt Park Placemaking Project.
City staff reviewed their proposal and determined that it was in line with the Hyatt Park Placemaking Project approved by the Council in 2018. Under their existing contract provisions with the City, SMC can provide installation and maintenance of landscaping.
Next Steps:
Fiscal Impact:
NTE $85,000
City Administrator Comments:
Community Engagement:
Community input was solicited during the design portion of the project.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 3 - Promote a Safe and Vibrant Community
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