Submitted by: At the Request of the City Administrator
Submitting Department: Community & Economic Development
Agenda Section: Action
Item Title:
Church Place Redesign
Suggested Action:
I move the City Council accept and approve the conceptual design for realignment of Church Place, between Farragut Street and Gallatin Street as well as supplemental safety features along adjacent sections of Gallatin Street, for the purpose of implementing pedestrian vehicular safety improvements within this section of roadway.
Summary Background:
Since March 2021, the City has actively engaged with property owners and business owners along Church Place, between Farragut Street and Gallatin Street regarding the various demand for uses of the alley.
In recent years, as the vacant properties have filled with sought after commercial and restaurant uses, the alley has become active with many different stakeholders, including but not limited to (1) service/inventory delivery vehicle, (2) customer vehicles/parking, (2) pedestrians & bicyclists.
Staff is proposing several modifications to the alley based upon the existing conditions, reducing pedestrian/bike/motorized vehicle conflict and operational elements necessary for commerce related activities.
This concept was presented to the City Council in November 2022 for its consideration.
Next Steps:
Staff is recommending proceeding with authorizations necessary to move forward with this improvement project. Funding for the project, estimated between $50,000 - $75,000, is included in the City's current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Budget. A separate request for contracting services will be submitted by the Department of Public Works in January 2023.
Project could be completed in 6-8 weeks, and no later than April 2023 (weather dependent).
Fiscal Impact:
Funding for this project is included in the City's CIP.
City Administrator Comments:
Modifications are necessary to provide additi...
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