Submitted by: At the Request of the City Administrator
Submitting Department: Community & Economic Development
Agenda Section: Action
Item Title:
Dewey Development - Detailed Site Plan (DSP-19050-01)
Suggested Action:
I move the City Council authorize the Mayor to provide correspondence to the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission in support of Detailed Site Plan 19050-01, subject to the following conditions:
1. In relation to the alley dead-end servicing Buildings K and M on Parcel 2, the applicant shall either include additional width to accommodate a turn-around for vehicles or extend the alley to connect to another section of the internal roadway if granted DPIE approval.
2. The applicant shall ensure all units on Parcels 2 and 3 have adequate access for fire and other emergency vehicles.
3. All front entrances of the proposed multifamily condominiums shall be outfitted with overhead canopies.
4. Rear fa?ades and side units, especially those that are visible from public roadways, of the proposed multifamily condominiums shall include additional colors or materials to break up the repetitiveness of the current design.
5. If deemed feasible by M-NCPPC and County DPW&T, the pedestrian trail on Parcel 4 shall form a connected loop around the stormwater pond. The trail shall integrate appropriate wayfinding signage and vinyl treatment fencing to ensure pedestrian safety if required by Prince George's County Department of Environment (DER) guidelines.
6. All transformers associated with this development shall be installed subgrade.
7. The applicant shall install a minimum of two (2) inverted-U shaped bike racks in front of the leasing office.
A public art installation shall be incorporated in a publicly visual location on or near at least two of the three subject parcels, with specific consideration of the entrance monument signs.
Summary Background:
This application is a revision to Detailed Site Plan DSP-19050...
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