Submitted by: Lesley Riddle
Submitting Department: Public Works
Agenda Section: Action
Item Title:
David C. Driskell Community Park Re-imagination: Phase 1
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize the expenditure of $28,000 for the Phase 1 Re-imagination of David C. Driskell Community Park to Neighborhood Design Center (NDC) on their existing contract.
Summary Background:
This year Council approved changing the name of the park formerly known as Magruder Park to David C. Driskell Community Park. The name honors David Driskell, a Hyattsville resident and a world-renowned artist, scholar, and curator; specifically recognized for his support of African American art. Staff is excited to include elements of Driskell’s life and legacy in the re-imagination of the park.
Staff requested a proposal from the Neighborhood Design Center to assist the city with creating a community-based opening and dedication event for David C. Driskell Park.
The cost of the Placemaking Phase 1 proposal will include research, community engagement, and placemaking. The cost for this proposal should not exceed $28,000.00.
Next Steps:
With Council approval staff will work with NDC to facilitate the proposed work. Once Phase 1 is completed, staff will return to Council for discussion on next steps for the park.
Fiscal Impact:
$28,000.00 CIP
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend support.
Community Engagement:
NDC will facilitate the community outreach.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 5 - Strengthen the City’s Identity as a Diverse, Creative, and Welcoming Community
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