Submitted by: Hal Metzler
Submitting Department: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
Purchase of two Mobile Refuse Collection Trucks
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize the City Administrator to enter into an agreement with GranTurk to purchase two mobile refuse collection trucks for an amount not to exceed $500,000 pending legal review.
Summary Background:
The Department of Public Works fleet of refuse collection trucks is aging and several trucks are nearing the end of their useful service lives. We included these purchases in our 2020 and 2021 Capital Budgets but deferred purchasing large vehicles during the height of the COVID pandemic. Sparky is a mid-level truck and cannot carry the capacity that a large trash truck is capable of. She services alleyways, big-bellys, and parks. Currently, we have two newer trash trucks (2019 and 2018), and two very old trash trucks (2005 and 2013). The two older trucks need to be replaced. They are requiring more frequent repairs which is increasing costs and increasing the downtime of the trucks. The longer trucks are out of service the more wear and tear it causes to the rest of the fleet. The two newly requested trucks will take months to be constructed and delivered to the City. We are at a critical point in both service life and the cost of repairs on these older trucks. Additionally, it may take up to two years for the manufacturer and the service builder to have these units available to the City. Consequently, it is imperative that we order these trucks now before it critically impacts our capacity to serve our growing population over the next few years.
Next Steps:
Issue the purchase order and place the order.
Fiscal Impact:
NTE $500,000
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Approval
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 3 - Promote a Safe and Vibrant Community
Legal Review Required?