Submitted by: At the Request of the City Administrator
Submitting Department: Community & Economic Development
Agenda Section: Presentation
Item Title:
Dewey Property Detailed Site Plan (DSP-19050-01) Presentation
Suggested Action:
Presentation Only
Summary Background:
The applicant is proposing the development of four (4) parcels in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Belcrest Road and Toledo Road, Hyattsville. The 17.29 acre site is located within the Prince George’s Plaza Transit District to include a total of 529 residential dwelling units divided amount Parcel 1, a single multi-family building with 361 units, Parcel 2, 136 2-over-2 units, Parcel 3, 32 units and Parcel 5, a stormwater management facility.
The applicant’s parent case Preliminary Plan of Subdivision 4-18022 was approved by the M-NCPPC Planning Board in July 2019 and a detailed site plan for Dewey East, a multi-family building consisting of 321 residential dwelling units is pending, per the applicant’s request to postpone its scheduled public hearing.
Next Steps:
The applicant will be presenting to the Hyattsville Planning Committee on Tuesday, June 2nd and will come back before the City Council for ‘action’ on Wednesday, June 3rd.
Fiscal Impact:
City Administrator Comments:
City staff is completing its review of the application materials and will submit a staff report to the City Council once a review is complete.
Community Engagement:
The applicant is scheduled to present to the Planning Committee on Tuesday, June 2nd.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 2 - Ensure the Long-Term Economic Viability of the City
Legal Review Required?