Submitted by: Laura Reams
Submitting Department: Legislative
Agenda Section: Action
Item Title:
Magruder Park - Authorization to File a Quit Claim Deed
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize the City staff and City Attorney to work with outside counsel to prepare and record in the land records a deed and/or any other required documentation that does not contain the discriminatory language that is in the existing Magruder Park conveyance.
Summary Background:
A motion was submitted in March 2019 regarding the possible renaming of Magruder Park. The motion instructed, in part, the City Attorney to review land records, deeds, and other relevant and available documents and report back to the Council. Please see attached memo from the City Attorney regarding the land record for the park.
Next Steps:
Upon approval by Council, the City Attorney will proceed to prepare and record in land records a deed that does not contain the discriminatory language in the existing Magruder Park deed.
Fiscal Impact:
City attorney fees
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Support
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 5 - Strengthen the City’s Identity as a Diverse, Creative, and Welcoming Community
Legal Review Required?