Submitted by: Michelle Dunklee
Submitting Department: Police
Agenda Section: Discussion
Item Title:
Purchase of BolaWrap Devices and Cartridges
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize the expenditure in the amount of $12,039 to East Coast Tactical for the purchase of 10 BolaWrap devices and 90 cartridges to be divided between each squad and our Emergency Response Team. The funding source for this purchase is the speed camera special revenue fund.
I further move that, upon procurement, the Hyattsville City Police Department move swiftly to adequately train and staff members of each squad and the Emergency Response Team on the appropriate use and deployment of the BolaWrap Device.
Summary Background:
One of the most challenging duties our officers face is the apprehension of persons that are in a mental health crisis. We spend a great deal of training time learning de-escalation techniques like Integrating Communications, Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT). This past year, Chief Awad and Deputy Chief Dunklee attended a demonstration of the BolaWrap. It is designed to restrain someone without using force. Non-compliant subjects in mental crisis and drug impaired persons are often incapable of comprehending the commands of officers. The BolaWrap enables Police officers to restrain subjects safely and with very low risk of injury. The Police department would like to add the BolaWrap as another tool that our officers can use when appropriate for the situation.
The Police Department received two quotes for this item and East Coast Tactical was the lowest priced vendor.
Next Steps:
Approval from Mayor and Council.
Fiscal Impact:
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Support. This less than lethal option will be a great asset to our department.
Community Engagement:
Strategic Goals:
Goal 3 - Promote a Safe and Vibrant Community
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