Submitted by: Hal Metzler
Submitting Department: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Item Title:
Planting of Bioretention Garden at Nicholson Street and Maryhurst Drive
Suggested Action:
I move that the Mayor and Council authorize an expenditure not to exceed $44,000 with Stormwater Mitigation, LLC (SMC) for the planting and maintenance of the bioretention garden at the intersection of Nicholson Street and Maryhurst Drive under their existing On-call Environmental and Stormwater Engineering and Design contract with the City.
Summary Background:
Over the past several years City staff has been working with the parents and residents near Felegy Elementary School to improve traffic and pedestrian safety. In FY2020 the City Council authorized the Department of Public Works (DPW) to move forward with a traffic calming plan which was constructed and completed in the Spring of 2020. The City asked SMC to design, install, and provide a maintenance plan for the landscaping of the bioretention.
Next Steps:
Issue the Purchase Order and install the landscaping.
Fiscal Impact:
NTE $44,000
City Administrator Comments:
Recommend Approval
Community Engagement:
The City held numerous public meetings with adjacent residents and parents leading up to the approval and installation of the traffic calming plan.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 3 - Promote a Safe and Vibrant Community
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